Explore the themes of Imprisonment, Freedom and Authority in The Tempest. Why might Shakespeare have chosen to highlight these themes?

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Explore the themes of Imprisonment, Freedom and Authority in The Tempest. Why might Shakespeare have chosen to highlight these themes?

There are three categories that could be used to define the forms of imprisonment in The Tempest.

You could say they are physical, Ariel being imprisoned in the cloven pine by Sycorax, mental, Prospero being imprisoned by his thoughts of revenge and there is magical imprisonment, Ferdinand being frozen by Prospero.


The first and most obvious type of physical imprisonment in The Tempest is that of Prospero and Miranda, imprisoned on an island after being exiled from the Kingdom they once ruled.

“In few, they hurried us aboard a bark,

Bore us some leagues to sea, where they prepared

A rotten carcass of a butt, not rigged,

Nor tackle, sail, nor mast; the very rats

Instinctively have quit it …..”

Prospero tells Miranda this to try and make her see how they were imprisoned on the island. They were put on a boat that was not sea-worthy by far and left to die, either from starvation or thirst, for they had no food nor drink, or from drowning if the boat had sunk.

The second act of physical imprisonment in the play is when Prospero reminds Ariel of her imprisonment by Sycorax, the mad witch and first inhabitant of the island, in the cloven pine tree. Ariel was left there for twelve years after he refused to carry out the foul plots the witch had suggested. While Ariel had been prisoner of the pine, Sycorax had died and therefore Ariel had been left inside until another person with a history of magic could free him, that man was Prospero.

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“To act her earthy and abhorred commands,

Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee

By help of her more potent ministers,

And in her most unmitigable rage,

Into a cloven pine; within which rift

Imprisoned thou didst painfully remain

A dozen years; within which space she died,

And left thee there; where thou didst vent thy groans”

Prospero is telling Ariel this because he has asked for his freedom from him, he has said no and is telling him without him he would still be in the pine. Ariel went from being imprisoned by Sycorax, to perform her evil magic, to ...

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