first 6 letters in the color purple analysis

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2. Remind yourself of the first 6 letters of the color purple [up to the letter first mentioning Shug Avery]

a.  “these letters are the most interesting part of the novel.” How far do you agree with this statement?

b. The use of letters is part of walkers narrative technique, How successful do you find this use?

The color purple opens up with a very threatening command made by her father “you better not never tell nobody but god. It’d kill your mammy” this of course refers to his abuse of her. This is the first of many letters written by Celie to god. Whom (god) is addressed in a close-friends kind of way(reader might find this a tad heterodox)  rather than the accepted view of god .In this first letter Celie turns to god for advice and seeking guidance “maybe you can give me a sign…”. Celie whom we assume is pregnant while writing this letter is 14 and does not understand what is happening to her body .Celie’s father “fonso” has turned to her for sexual gratification after her sick “mammy” has refused to and got her pregnant for the second time he has killed her first baby and sold her second one.

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Her mother dies and her two babies have been nobbled and she is left with breast full of milk for no one “I got breasts full of milk running down myself”. Alfonso then looks interested in Celie’s younger sister, Nettie, but Celie promises that she will protect her. Alfonso gets remarried to a girl as young as Celie. Nettie meets a man in church who comes around every Sunday and who already has three children of his own (Albert).

Celie is beaten by Alfonso for winking at a man, but she writes that she was not winking at any man—if ...

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