Grammar- The Revolutionary’s Ally

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        Filbert Nguyen

October 7, 2001

TOK Essay

Dr. Warner A3

Grammar- The Revolutionary’s Ally

Although language works according to set rules and conventions, we as individuals are still able to break the rules, challenge convention, and be creative. The grammar of a language has little to do with the ability of that particular language to be used as an instrument to express the knowledge and ideas of the individual. Instead, creativity and individuality are directly linked to the actual knowledge, and this knowledge is constrained by nothing; it is as infinite as the human conscience.

        First, when analyzing this problem, the definition of “creativity”, “breaking the rules”, and “challenging convention” must be analyzed in order to obtain a valid conclusion. However, when one tries to define creative, which from “Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary” is: “having the power or quality of creating; having the quality of something created rather than imitated.” This lexical definition provides for an accurate definition of the word, but yet the word, “creativity”, when thought of, or spoken, usually gives an individual a deeper connotation, something which can not be put in words, because it is something so dear to the human individuality and conscience. Therefore, through this view of the problem, language does present some limits to human knowledge, but it is not the grammar, which does so, it is the words, the vernacular of the language.

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        In the second phase of analyzing the problem, grammar must be evaluated to understand what it is and how it affects the language in order to further grasp why grammar does not prohibit creativity and individualism. Grammar defined lexically is: “the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in the sentence.” Grammar is also commonly referred to as: “speech or writing evaluated according to its conformity to grammatical rules.” However, grammar must be viewed through the perspective that it is also the foundation of language; it is the essence of vernacular. When grammar is ...

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