Healing is a decision. Forgiveness is part of the healing. .

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Yashren Reddi

Grade 10a


In the current hostile environment we all find ourselves, you could be thinking that the subject is not appropriate. I hope that by the end of this speech I would have been able to make a different in the way you think about forgiveness.

Every turn you take today you encounter people that have scars in their lives, the scars can be anything from minor irritation to something as big an impact as apartheid had on many of our lives. One thing is clear that if we together as a nation continue to stew in the negatives of our encounters we are doomed. We have a role model, Mr Nelson Mandela who was imprisoned for 27 years, he walks the talk to forgive. He has become legendary in his approach to life, there is absolutely no way this man would be the father figure to the world if he was bitter about the tragedies of his life.

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     Immense personal beauty and opportunity live beneath old emotional scars. To move beyond the focus on the scars and into a healing process, each person must decide to relinquish any anger, bitterness, blame, resentment or hostility toward others or Self and commit to freeing themselves from the emotional and spiritual bondage that holding on to old pain entails. There is no room for bitterness and joy; blame/resentment and love; or hostility and gentleness to co-exist. The decision to be free to experience and enjoy love, joy, peace or gentleness demands a release of negative memories and their embraced ...

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