Hotel Room, 12th floor Norman MacCaig.

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Hotel Room, 12th floor   Norman MacCaig                                     David Small

Norman MacCaig's poem Hotel Room, 12th floor has its origins in a chance observation.  A small incident that started this poem which I thought was great, was the way he used the metaphors, similes and alliteration etc and also how he shows that midnight has some attributes when he makes it come in.

A small incident that started this poem which I thought was great was when he compared the helicopter to a damaged insect which can mean technology and nature which is reflect throughout the poem.

        “…a helicopter skirting like a damaged insect…”

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This shows how technologically advanced the world is that there are now something 100 times bigger than an insect.  And it also means that technology is damaging nature.

MacCaig carries the idea of nature being destroyed by comparing this to the destructive tools like the drill and it is damaging the clouds and the atmosphere.

        “…the Empire State Building, that

        jumbo sized dentist drill…”

MacCaigs words project a destructive image that is like the Empire State Building being a drill and destroying the atmosphere

Another poetic technique is transferred epithet and personification and these help ...

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