How and why did the English language develop between 500BC and Chaucer's time

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How and why did the English language develop between 500BC and Chaucer’s time

The English language has many words in which originate from different languages.  Numerous words in our ‘Modern English’ are from foreign languages that are from countries that previously invaded  England.  Our language has been changing throughout the ages and ‘Modern English’ is the finished product.  There are still ‘slang’ words developing, and many people are becoming more inclined to speak ‘slang’.

        In 500 B.C the Celts invaded England.  Their language (Celtic) has influenced Scottish, Gaelic and Irish.  In 449 A.D Teutonic tribes forced the majority of the Celts out of England into Wales and Cornwall.

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        Julius Caesar and his strong Roman army invaded England in 55 B.C.  He was unsuccessful at taking over the country or the language.  

        However Emperor Claudius and his Roman army invaded and conquered England in 43 A.D.  Their language was called Latin.  Latin never really took off and ordinary people did not speak Latin.  The Romans stayed in power for almost 400 years.

        In 449 A.D Teutonic tribes from Scandinavia and Northern Germany started to invade England.  The tribes which invaded were the Saxons, the Angles, the Jutes and the Frisians.  Nearly all the Roman towns were destroyed.  The ...

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