How do Tom Robinson and Boo Radley conform to the Mockingbird Type?

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To kill a Mockingbird

How do Tom Robinson and Boo Radley conform to the Mockingbird Type?

Many themes run through out this book, such as Religion, courage, discrimination/prejudice, racism, innocence and most importantly the theme of the mockingbird, which represents in some way or another all of the former themes mentioned.

Different people may have different perceptions to what a Mockingbird represents but in this book a mockingbird is a small innocent creature that, as Miss Maudie says:

‘…don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us to enjoy. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.’

The killing of an innocent as a horrendous crime in any age and any time, so likewise, ‘it is a sin to kill a mockingbird’, which represents innocence, in this story of innocence destroyed by evil. As we read further into the book we are made more aware of the fact that the two characters Tom Robinson and Arthur (Boo) Radley possess the same traits as a mockingbird, but it is only towards the end of the novel when Jem starts to realise the injustice of racism and the cruelty of Tom being condemned guilty, and Scout who connects the idea of Boo Radley being Mockingbird ‘Well, it’d be sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird’.

Starting with Tom Robinson, who maybe is more obviously a ‘mockingbird’, a good hearted, generous, kind, and honest man who despite being innocent has suffered a life of discrimination and prejudice simply for being black. Whether you were treated with respect or as filth was, as the book quotes ‘simple as black or white’.

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Tom helps Mayella Ewell despite his disability, never once taking money off her, simply because he has a kind heart and Mayella liked him because he was the only person who ever gave her time and true respect He is a harmless man, but a victim of racial prejudice and like the mockingbird, never means to do wrong to anyone, instead always trying his best to please people, which is in the end what he gets punished for.

‘All mockingbirds to is sing their hearts out’, and Toms way of ‘singing’ is helping people, he is clearly innocent and even ...

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