How does Shakespeare present the character of Romeo at the start of the play?

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How does Shakespeare present the character of Romeo at the start of the play?

At the start of the play, Romeo is presented to the audience as being lovesick. He is in love with a girl, who, in return, does not love him. It is explained by Montague that he has been seen by sycamore grove (sycamore meaning lovesick) early in the morning.

" With tears augmenting the fresh morning dew." This suggests that Romeo has been upset, adding tears to the morning's dew. Romeo would then, as soon as the sun was beginning to rise, goes back to his bedroom and shuts out all the light so he can be alone.

He is first seen moping around sycamore, when he is talking to his cousin, Benvolio. Romeo opens up and explains to Benvolio why hew has been acting in the way he has recently.

"Out of her favour where I am in love."

This quote by Romeo supports the view that he is in love with a girl who does not love him in return (she wants to remain a virgin).
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Romeo uses a series of oxymorons, an example being "O brawling love, o loving hate." This shows the audience that he does not want anything to do with anyone, he would rather be alone. The language that he uses at the end of scene 1 is dramatic; he is now emotional rather than being full of self-pity.

Benvolio suggests that Romeo should 'examine other beauties' rather than just sticking with one person, he tells Romeo that he should forget Rosaline and find someone else to be with. Benvolio then decides that he will help Romeo see that ...

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