How Does Shakespeare Present The Love Between Romeo and Juliet

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How Does Shakespeare Present The Love Between Romeo and Juliet? Do you believe it is Genuine?

 Love is just one word, but has a variety of meanings in the English language, from something that gives little pleasure (“I loved that movie”) to something one would die for such as patriotism or pair bonding. I view love as a feeling of deepened affection between two people. Oxford’s dictionary describes love as “an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state”. The Greek also have separate words to describe different types of love. ‘Eros’, which translates to physical/sexual love, ‘Agape’, which translates to religious love and ‘Filial’, which translates to maternal or family love. One could argue that that William Shakespeare explicitly contradicts the dictionary’s definition of love in Romeo & Juliet by representing it in a combination of good and evil, eradicating the fact that love has no evil or violent side.

   In William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, different types and different interpretations of love are inscribed within each unique scene within the play. Also different characters and their language contain these inscriptions, each uniquely put there by William Shakespeare.

 Before Romeo and Juliet are even introduced properly in the play, we can see that their journey through love was destined and it was going to be special. “A pair of star-cross'd lovers". This shows that people believed their future was written in the stars because in Shakespeare’s time, people usually believed in destiny and fate. But when observe this line circumspectly, we will find out that the use of the word ‘star-cross’d’ gives an unambiguous intimation that it was such a bad idea from the start for them to fall in love because ‘star-cross’d’ is directly associated with negativity; i.e. ill-fated, unlucky and doomed, which is quite what Romeo and Juliet were from the beginning.

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At the beginning of the play, one of the first themes of love is intertwined with the theme of violence. “My naked weapon is out, quarrel, I will back thee”. This quotation is used to create a sexual innuendo. Shakespeare creates a contrasting image because the word ‘naked’ suggests romance, while the word ‘weapon’ suggests violence, which connects to the theme of love fused with violence. Although Romeo and Juliet is a serious play with absorbing events and themes, Shakespeare chose to begin this remarkable play with a scene that momentarily distracts the viewer from the real tragedy that ...

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