How is power asserted in Barack Obamas acceptance speech?

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Rebecca Hughes How is power asserted in Barack Obama’s acceptance speech? Barack Obama’s acceptance speech is aimed at the people of the United States of America. He is about to become the Presidency of the United States, and have all the responsibility of America. He was a candidate to become President and this speech was to speak to the people of America and try and persuade them to get their votes by stating all the things he could do to help the country, and all the things he would change. Barack Obama’s speech is political language; he uses many of the features of political language get persuade the American audience. In the first paragraph
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he repeats the line ‘who still’, he does this because it will get the message across to the people and make them remember; ‘who still questions the power of our democracy.’ After each one of the phrases he uses a verb ‘doubts’, ‘wonders’ and ‘questions.’ He also repeats ‘It’s the answer’ at the beginning of the first three sentences. This acts like a triadic structure for both repetitions, and they also work as questions and answers. Another word he repeats a lot is ‘we’, this is a first person plural pronoun which makes it seem like the whole of America ...

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