How is the role of love dealt with in "An Ideal Husband"?

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What is the role of love in ‘An Ideal Husband’ by Oscar Wilde?


  An Ideal Husband revolves around many themes, none more important than love. The whole play is the result of the diversity of love and its different viewpoints.

  Wilde deals with many of these viewpoints through his characters. Sir Robert’s selfless, unconditional love; Lady Chiltern’s love of an ideal, perfect, morally upright husband; Lord Goring’s love of life, his complete love for Mabel Chiltern and his past love for Mrs. Cheveley; and Mrs. Cheveley’s love for money and political and social standing. Each love differs from the other, though each creates an impact in the lives of the character and the course of the play.

  Sir Robert’s love is one which is strong and can bear the test of time, selfless and unconditional. His love is predicated on the idea of human imperfection and he accepts Lady Chiltern for her faults. According to him, love is a healing force, one that can heal any wound, pardon any sins, except any against itself, and make life infinitely better, as he states in his melodramatic speech at the end of the second act. However, his definition of love is a bit gender-biased. When he claims man’s love to be more human and accepting than a woman’s, he sets up a ground with which most wouldn’t agree. Though the rest of his speech deals with love as a highly exaggerated phenomenon, it still rings with a little bit of truth. Sir Robert’s love for Lady Chiltern is wild and passionate, as he himself says at the end of his speech.

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SIR ROBERT: “The error all women commit… as I have lost it now.”

  Lady Chiltern’s love is highly placed in Sir Robert’s mind, one that he can’t afford to lose or live without, which gives one a very valuable insight on Sir Robert’s emotional dependence.

  Lady Chiltern’s love is very different from that of her spouse. Her love revolves around being morally upright and pure. As long as Sir Robert fulfilled these conditions, she loved him but forsaked him, when he told her of his moment of weakness.

LADY CHILTERN: “I will love you always, because you will ...

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