In the beginning of the Great War the army was not a conscripted one. This meant that soldiers had to volunteer their services. As the British army was in constant need of new soldiers many methods were used to encourage the public to join the war effort.

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Compare and Contrast the recruitment poems with those written from the trenches.

In the beginning of the Great War the army was not a conscripted one. This meant that soldiers had to volunteer their services. As the British army was in constant need of new soldiers many methods were used to encourage the public to join the war effort.

A widely used way of getting people to enlist was to use recruitment poems. Poets who had never actually fought in the war often wrote these poems. This is one of the distinguishing factors between recruitment and trench poems. I have looked at ‘Fall In’ by Harold Begbie and ‘Who’s for the game?’ by Jesse Pope.

Harold Begbie wrote one poem I have studied titled “fall in”. The title immediately sets the tone for the poem, by saying the reader should fall into line in the army.

This poem has 3 verses, each verse has 8 lines which all have an alternate rhyme scheme. This poem uses methods that make the reader feel that it is their duty to enrol in and if they don’t they will be ashamed for the rest of their life. This poem uses rhetorical questions to make it seem like there is only one answer – to enlist. This is shown in the very first line,

“What will you lack sonny, what will you lack when the girls line up the street, shouting their love to the lads come back from the foe they rushed to beat.”

This line implies that no girl will want a man who has not been to war. I think the use of the word “sonny” is important to this poem, as lots of older men use the word sonny so it could be a figure of authority or even the readers father. Which would encourage the reader to join the army.

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Each of the three verses refer to different stages in a mans life. The first verse is when you are a young man and you are looking for a girlfriend. The second verse is when the man as young children who “Clamour to learn the part you took in the war that kept men free” This verse again implies that you will be ashamed if you do not fight in the war. The third verse is written at the end of the mans life when other old men talk of the war and he has nothing to talk about.

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