In the short story The Web by Frances King, 1995, we hear about a man, who earns money by pretending to a be blind or a destitute begging for money. The narrator thinks it is a dishonest and unfair way of getting money

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Essay about the Web

It is a common saying that “money is the root of all evil.” The saying is originated in the Bible in the New Testament and it originally goes: “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” Money has become one of the most important things in our society today, and people will do almost everything to get it. As a result of that we have reality shows, where people can win money for example by living in a house full of cameras with a lot of competitors or in a new show where people can win money by answering honestly to a lot of personal questions. But is the love of money really the root of all evil? Or could it be the fact that money is a necessity in our society today? If you don’t have any money you cannot live in a house, cannot buy food and in some countries you cannot even go to hospital or school if you do not have any money. Therefore people are forced to earn money, and some finds the way too money through illegal and dishonest activities.

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   In the short story “The Web” by Frances King, 1995, we hear about a man, who earns money by pretending to a be blind or a destitute begging for money. The narrator thinks it is a dishonest and unfair way of getting money, but when she finds out that it pays well, she lets go of some of her principles and gets spun into the web of lies.

   The narrator is a young woman named Liz. She reads the Guardian, which is a 'serious' national daily newspaper in Britain. Liz goes shopping in Harrods, so she seems ...

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** 2 STARS The writer knows and understands the short story but lapses in expression obscure meaning throughout the essay. Writer conveys own opinion through quoting of the Bible and mentioning a painting when it might have been better to explore the short story more. For instance there is no mention how the story ends and if Gavin and Liz change what they are doing.