In this essay I will be comparing the way that Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen portray the war in 'The Rear Guard' and 'Strange Meeting'. I will be writing

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In this essay I will be comparing the way that Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen portray the war in 'The Rear Guard' and 'Strange Meeting'. I will be writing about the content of each poem, where each poem is set, what each poem reveals about the war, how each poet uses language and structure in the poems, why I think each poet has written their poem and my personal response to the poems.

The poem 'Rear Guard' is about a man who is going through a tunnel and is looking for headquarters. He sees a man lying on the floor as if he was asleep but finds that he is dead. In the end he makes it out of the tunnel.

The poem 'Strange Meeting' is about a man who ran into a tunnel after escaping from something. In this poem the man also sees man lying on the floor as if they were asleep, but this time one of the men jumps up - he was a ghost - the man in this poem thinks that he is in hell. During his 'Strange Meeting' the ghost explains how terrible it is to die young. In the end of the poem the ghost tells the man that it was him who killed him, and they should be friends and rest peacefully.

I think that both of these poems are quite similar. For example; both of the poems the men meet dead people who they called ' sleepers'. This means that both of the men are dead and are lying there on the floor as if they are asleep.

Another similarity in both the poems is that they are set in a tunnel. The tunnel is used as a metaphor for hell: "uploading hell behind him..." the tunnel is compared to hell because it means dying and being dead as that is what both the men found inside the tunnel. By comparing the tunnel to dying and hell the writer makes us realise that these men are close to dying and that they are fading away slowly as they go deeper into the tunnel.
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In both of the poems the men are showing what they have learnt about the war and what war has done to them and others in the poem ' The Rear Guard' when the dead man doesn't answer he kicks him and says " God blast your neck!!" This shows that these men have been dehumanised by the war, they have become aggressive against everyone because of their tiredness.

In the same way in the poem 'Strange Meeting' it says "Whatever hope is yours was my life also." This shows that by fighting in the war they ...

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