In what ways were the lives of people at home affected by the First World War?

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In what ways were the lives of people at home affected by the First World War?

        The people at home lives were affected in a wide variety of ways during the First World War. Some people’s lives were altered for the good, where as some were altered for the bad.

        During the First World War, a lot of people were needed in the army. This meant that volunteers were required by their many hundreds. To influence this, propaganda was used in the forms of pamphlets, posters, newspapers and by word of mouth. The source A1 (i) was a poster used for propaganda to make men volunteer for the army. About 54 million similar posters were created, but this was one of the most famous. It shows Lord Kitchener, who was an upper class member of the government and was renowned for being a brave war hero. They used this picture of him because he was respected by so many across the country and so it shows deference because at least 2 million signed up to the army by 1916.

        Source A1 (ii) also shows a picture from a newspaper and was used as a form of recruitment. This source shows how many men were signing up for the army. Although it looks phoney, it isn’t. The picture was manipulated so that all the men were smiling, even though they knew how terrible war really was, as the war had started over 16 months previously. The picture also shows different classes of men, some from the working class and others from the middle class. The different classes are shown to us by the different hats being worn by the men. This shows that the classes were coming together to help with the war effort and showing true patriotism. This type of “spun” image was okay in a censored newspaper, because it lifted the spirits of others.

        Although many men were volunteering for the army, this was not enough. The volunteering system was not only very inefficient; it was also not a very fair system because you were not forced to join up. So in 1916 the government decided to introduce conscription. A typical government conscription poster is shown in source A4. It states that unmarried men must sign up to the army. Any man who wished not to join up was labelled a conchie, or a conscientious objector. Many of these people had religious beliefs which stated that “thou shall not kill” and so they did not believe in war and killing people. These people helped out other ways. Others thought that the war was only being fought for the Capitalists. These people usually the communists, or the “comrades”, or the socialists. Source A5 was written by a conscientious objector who managed to escape from prison in 1916. He says that people should support the troops, if not in person, then in spirits. This man was an absolutist who did not agree to war neither did he want anything to do with it. The government frowned upon these people and threw them into prison because they were scared of the working class uprising.

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        While the government were dealing with recruiting men, they were also being embarrassed by the shortages of munitions. The newspapers soon let the people know about this scandal, which is a rare example of anti-government stories. In source B2 we are shown Lloyd George “delivering the goods” to the front line. This picture was in a “pro-government” magazine which showed that he was backing the government and was encouraging optimism that they would improve. The two horses he is riding bear the names “Labour”, meaning the work force, and “capital”, meaning those who owned the factories, the managers. It shows ...

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