'It is the generic flexibility of The Tempest that makes it such an interesting play for an audience.' Explore how The Tempest plays with genre.

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‘It is the generic flexibility of The Tempest that makes it such an interesting play for an audience.’ Explore how The Tempest plays with genre.

The Tempest encompasses many genres. These include: Tragedy, Comedy and Romance. However overall The Tempest is most commonly known as a Tradgicomedy, which encompasses all these genres by having multiple plots within the play, which are then linked together to make the overall play.

The plot suggests that the play is a tragedy by which there is a scene in which much destruction takes place and the themes of death and downfall are seen. However it could be seen as a comedy because there is a lot of disjunction, because it starts with the wrecking of the royal ship on the rock of an island. Commotion is a major part of this. While all this happens Miranda looks on from the island and comments on the wreckage as ‘a brave vessel-Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her-Dashed all to pieces!’ As this is the beginning of the play we can only assume that in the confusion the ship had crashed on the rocks and while doing so all aboard her had been killed. Next we find that Prospero, controller of the island, had been forcefully and to some extent unfairly sent away from his home in Milan, as he was the Duke of Milan. His brother, who is described as ‘The ivy which had hid my princely trunk’, replaced him. So from this we deduce that Prospero forced the boat to break up on the island in order to punish the Duke of Milan, the King of Naples and all the others who did not help him. The theme of the tragedy is continued with the introduction of Caliban, the slave of Prospero on the island, ‘my slave.’ We find that Prospero is very violent towards him, threatening Caliban with ‘cramps, Side-stitches that shall pen thy breath up. Urchins…Thou shall be pinched…each pinch more stinging/That bees that made’em.’ These violent tendencies towards Caliban help further realise the image of this play being a tragedy.

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In line 388 Ferdinand is first introduced to us as one of the Royal party who is lost and alone. We find he has been separated from all his other travellers. We discover that he is the Prince and the son of the King of Naples and heir to the thrown. This disheartens him and leaves him crying at his loss. He is led by Ariel towards Miranda. For Miranda this is the second man she has ever seen in her life, and describes him first as a ‘spirit’. Then when they meet falls in love with him, this ...

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