JFK Inaugural Address Analysis

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After being elected as the President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy gave his Inaugural address speech that put him in the spotlight and allowed him to be accepted by the majority of American citizens. He used a variety of techniques to achieve his goal of unification of the nation and himself. The use of rhetorical devices, logos pathos and ethos and lastly, his delivery helped solidify his speech to persuade the American nation to accept him as their new leader.

The core of his speech was based on the purpose of grabbing the audience’s attention and create strong emotions through the use of linguistic features. His main technique was to exemplify what the future will be like while comparing it to the past. The use of several rhetorical techniques such as declarative sentences and strong verbs show his persistence as a President and leader, furthermore it creates a trust relationship between him and the audience who is convinced by his strength and determination. He states, “I do not shrink from this responsibility – I welcome it”. The frequent repetition of short declarative sentences suggests that he will indeed carry on and achieve what he is promising. John F. Kennedy’s speech is world wide known for the quote “ ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country’’. Contradictory sentences expose the problem first which has for purpose to intrigue the audience, the orator later proposes a solution for the problem in the same sentence. The diction is sophisticated, although in a most basic way in order to allow the audience to fully understand his speech.

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Establishing credibility, otherwise known ethos is the first persuasive technique that JFK uses, “For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.” This line demonstrates his full understanding of his responsibility towards the American people. The use of formal diction evokes national pride and respect especially in the reference to past Americans as "forebears". During his opening line he follows the addressing of many prestigious government figures by ending with fellow citizens. Throughout the whole length of the speech, JFK creates an impact on the emotions of the audience, ...

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