Knowledge that is difficult to describe in words. Does this mean that other Ways of Knowing play a more important role than language in knowing how to do something?

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 Candidate Name: Nele- Maria Palipea                                                                                                  

Candidate Number:  001408- 023


Theory of Knowledge

Some experts (athletes, dancers, musicians, visual artists, cabinet makers, lab technicians, mechanics, surgeons, etc.) may have acquired knowledge that is difficult to describe in words. Does this mean that other Ways of Knowing play a more important role than language in knowing how to do something?

Word Count: 1689

This essay discusses the effectiveness of language in teaching how to do something. Therefore, it assesses its capability of transmitting knowledge, and asks whether this knowledge can so be considered as truth. In this essay, it’s answered through a comparison with other ways of knowing, namely experience, instinct, practice, and perception. This type of juxtaposition reveals the weaknesses of language, such as authority that it relies on. The flaw here is that truthfulness of the authority has to be proved and proof is acquired through other ways of knowing. Moreover, experience is necessary to understand the information language passes as it provides us the ability to relate. These suggest that language is reliant on other ways of knowing and lessen its importance. Additionally, language is ambiguous and this factor distorts truth when transmitted between people. These weaknesses reduce its reliability and importance as a way of knowing.


Experience is very important in understanding information. Through experience for example, I understand that if I’m told to keep away from a possible fire source such as the oven because I’ll get hurt, it’s true. I know this because as a child I experienced that fire is harmful when I stuck my finger in it and got burned. I have proof through experience that this authority’s information is true. Without it, I wouldn’t understand the harmful effect of fire and keep away from ovens. Additionally, experience of the same kind gives me the ability to learn through relating to information or empathy. Because of the ability to relate, Eia Uus, for instance, has successfully transmitted her experiences of The Regents School in her book Kuu Külm Kuma because I study at the same school. Experience is the base of this understanding even though books use language. Therefore, language is less significant in acquiring knowledge as it seems to be reliant on other ways of knowing to prove its self true. But as human experiences are different, how can I understand another person besides me? Some people are simply better with empathy than others is the answer. My friend Marii acquires writers’ experiences easier than I do because she is better at relating to other people, for example. Furthermore, the ambiguity of language leads to different interpretations. As an example, in school the teachers mark our essays. Teachers are authority but how do they claim to know that Marii’s interpretation of a literary text is more valid than mine? They’ve either based their decision on their own ideas or acquired their evidence from other intellectuals, but the same problem of validity arises with them. These examples illustrate that it is difficult for language to reach truth because of its dependence on other ways of knowing and its ambiguity. 

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However, if Marii is naturally talented with empathy in literature, it introduces knowing through instinct and talent. Does this mean that people immediately know how to do something? Although I’m not good with literature, I’m good at drawing. But I couldn’t draw from birth and I went through lots of practice. This indicates that one doesn’t know how to do something form birth but has to acquire the knowledge. In addition, instinct is like language, in this case requiring practice to express its knowledge in the individual. Another question arises whether understanding through language is only possible for some talented ...

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