Lightning is the emission of light due to electricity discharging from cloud-to-cloud or from cloud-to-ground.

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Lightning is the emission of light due to electricity discharging from cloud-to-cloud or from cloud-to-ground.  This electrical discharge results from the buildup of positive and negative charges within a thunderstorm.  In a calm sky, the positive and negative charges are all mixed up.  However, during a thunderstorm, rapidly rising air interacts with rapidly falling air to create separately positive and negative charged areas within the cloud. The positive areas are where protons are located, while the negative areas are where the electrons are located.  Protons are important parts of atoms that do not typically float around on their own, unless you are causing a nuclear reaction by splitting the atom.  Electrons, however, can be free floating.  Protons are usually located at the top of the thunderstorm.  Electrons are usually located at the bottom of the thunderstorm, or the bottom of a cloud. During a thunderstorm, the earth has a positive charge.  Air usually acts as an insulator, but when the charge builds up to a level that exceeds its ability to act as an insulator, the result is a spark we see as Lightning.

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Cloud-to-ground Lightning flash. 

Because opposites attract, negative charges at the bottom of the thunder cloud want to link up with positive charges at Earth's surface.

Negative charges are carried down from the base of the cloud to the ground.  This is an originator of the Lightning, called a stepped leader.  When the stepped leader is approaching the ground, a positive charge shoots up to meet the stepped leader.  This positive charge is known as a streamer.  When the stepped leader and the streamer do meet up, a short circuit occurs.

 This short circuit allows the positive charges to be ...

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