Out of Shakespeare many plays Macbeth which was written in 1906-1606 is one of the best recognised plays around Britain and the world. Shakespeare mainly wrote three types of plays:

  • Comedy
  • Tragedy
  • History

Macbeth is a blood thirsty tale of ambition and the evils we will go through to get what we want. Macbeth is the main character, who we see plot and kill in order to become King of Scotland. As soon as we see Macbeth’s wishes fulfilled we gradually witness the world fall around him.

 Macbeth is an historical account especially published for King James the first, it was also rumoured that King James was a descended of Banquo. Throughout Macbeth witchcraft and black magic lingers in every scene, this is cleverly used by Shakespeare because during the Elizabethan era, people were extremely superstitious and really believed in witchcraft and black magic.

Witchcraft and black magic also changes Macbeth’s character a lot over the three scenes:

  • Approached by witches
  • Seeing of the dagger
  • Ghost of Banquo

Macbeth is also considered unlucky to most actors, so they give Macbeth other play names like “The comedy of Glamis”, “the Scottish play” or even “The play”. Legend has it that an actor died on stage as well as many others.

Macbeth has had so many interpretation over the years, for instance Macbeth has been filmed and adapted for the stage in so many ways that there has been a Nazi Germany version, Zulu Warriors and even a rock opera.

In Act one Scene three Macbeth repeats what the witches say “Fair is foul, foul is fair hover through the fog and filthy air.” To the audience they might think the witches might have planned all the killings.

In act one scene three we see that the witches are capable of evil mischief “in a sieve I’ll thither sail, and like a rat without a tail, I’ll do and I’ll do” To Macbeth he instantly trusts their prophecies but in some way the witches are not tell Macbeth the whole truth. When Banquo and Macbeth see the witches for the first time they instantly recognise that there “supernatural” beings “What are these…… that not like th’ inhabitants o’th’ earth.” Macbeth quickly interprets and understands that the witches have magical powers to tell the future. As the witches carry on speaking, the more affected Macbeth is “You great with present grace and prediction of noble having and royal hope.” Macbeth is then immediately open to suggestions of promotion and the crown. Banquo and Macbeth are both marvelled by the prophecies of the witches “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none. So all hail Macbeth and Banquo.” This quote suggests that the prophecies stay with both Banquo and Macbeth and gives them a lot to think about and act on. To the king we see that Macbeth is loyal and a great solider “everyone did bear thy praises in his kingdom great defence.” At this point Macbeth is loyal but the witches’ prophecies change him. Later on we see circumstances reward Macbeth with Thane of Cawdor “Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor. “The greatest is behind”. This promotion could either be a coincidence but Macbeth sees it as a sign that the witches are telling the truth, but this would have happened if Macbeth met the witches or not. Macbeth then weighs up the good and the bad which were presented by the witch’s prophecies “Cannot be ill, cannot be good, if ill”. The evil thoughts are that Macbeth thinks of committing murder but the good is that he’s Cawdor. After Macbeth weighing his options, Macbeth finds himself considering murdering Duncan for the first time “my thought whose murder yet is but fantastical” in this quote we see Macbeth planning the murders not the witches. We also see Macbeth killing Duncan not Banquo “let us speak our free hearts each to other” Macbeth sees Banquo sharing the experience perhaps thinking the same.

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In act two scene one which is also known as “the dagger” scene is very important in Macbeth, in the scene we start seeing Macbeth character changing. In the scene we can tell Banquo is unaffected by the prophecy “but still keep my bosom franchised, and allegiance clear” From this Banquo experiences the same supernatural event as Macbeth but Banquo is unaffected. Macbeth also experiences a second supernatural event “is this a dagger I see before me?” It seems that the dagger is a product of Macbeth’s own creation or he’s being bewitched. Macbeth tries to hold the dagger, but cannot “come ...

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