Much Ado - How do the speech patterns of various characters add to our understanding of them?

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In the play Much Ado About Nothing, speech and conversation are an integral part of the play. The way the characters converse with each other tells us a lot about the characters and also their relationships with each other. Sometimes their conversations with each other intend to amuse, sometimes intend to impress, and sometimes intend to conceal their true feelings.

One prime example of a character that uses different language around different people is Hero. Hero is a character who adjusts her speech and conversation depending on which other characters she is in he company of. Being a conventional upper class woman, she uses courtly language when around men. Infact, when around men, Hero rarely speaks unless spoken too. However, when she is among the women her character really comes out. In Act 3 Scene 1, Hero and Margaret trick Beatrice into thinking that Benedick loves her. In this scene Hero has more lines on one page than she does in the entire previous acts. In this scene her language is very strong, which is something the audience don’t suspect. She also speaks in blank verse during this scene. The reason Shakespeare may have done this is so that the audience are compelled to listen to Hero when she does finally speak. Her words are strong in this scene and have a huge affect on Beatrice. She describes Beatrice as someone who ‘cannot love, nor take no shape nor project affection’, the fact that Hero has rarely said her feelings beforehand make this scene very poignant and make the audience really have to pay attention to her.

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A pair of characters who have a very specific way of conversing with each other are Beatrice and Benedick. When Benedick speaks he is aggressive, yet witty and ironic. Despite his intelligence, his language intends to belittle other characters and this is why Beatrice makes such a good character to take his language. Beatrice’s character is outspoken and she uses language to her advantage. They both have very high intelligence and use this to their advantage. Puns, sarcasm and playful banter feature often in their discourse. This banter shows the audience the relationship they both have. It is a ...

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