Our identity in a community is determined by ones own internal emotional view of humanity. This is shown in Steven Herricks prose novel The Simple Gift, Tim Wintons novel Breath and Kate Grenvilles novel The Secret River

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Our identity in a community is determined by one’s own internal emotional view of humanity. This is shown in Steven Herrick’s prose novel The Simple Gift, Tim Winton’s novel Breath and Kate Grenville’s novel ‘The Secret River’ through the use of the young disparate protagonists throughout these texts we can observe and extract many adaptations made by personas to survive in a changing world and different meanings of belonging and not belonging. Within the texts we observe individuals gaining a sense of connection and security to other people through literature and imagination. Individuals need role models in order to develop a reciprocal connection with others, by fostering a sense of identity and develop self-esteem. However the consequences of not achieving t2his relationship leads to loss of identity. Individuals must make choices between different places, communities and other people who offer them different concepts of belonging. .The aspect of individuals needing to gain a sense of connection and security through literature and imagination is illuminated through Tim Winton’s Breath and Steven Herrick’s The Simple Gift. In Steven Herrick’s The Simple Gift this connection to literature is shown through the protagonist Billy with the use of the quote ‘and I’m there, on the island, /gorging on
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tropical fruit,/trying to decide/whose side I’m on’ in this quote Herrick’s alludes to William Golding’s ‘Lord of the Flies’, this analogy depicts Billy integrating into the novel and deciding which side of society he wishes to assimilate into to, deciding whether or to  abide by ‘normal’ customs or challenge rules of society’s expectations. This extended metaphor shows how having a lack of structure or authority leads to chaos and isolationSimilarly, in Winton’s novel this aspect of literature is shown through the quote “I liked books – the respite and privacy of them – books about plants and the formation of ...

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