Poetic methods used in 'After Apple Picking' -Robet Frost

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Robert Frost

a) Write about Frost’s poetic method in ‘After Apple Picking’

Frost begins his poem ‘After Apple Picking ‘by allowing his readers to immediately know what his poem is about by using the title, which makes it obvious; telling the audience that it’s about apple picking. There is a regular rhyming scheme that’s quite frequent and the structure of the poem isn’t stanzaed, so therefore the speed of the poem is fairly fast and feels continuous, because there are no pauses.

Frost uses an informal tone when writing ‘After Apple Picking’ by quickly changing the subject of the poem ‘My long two-pointed ladder’s sticking through a tree, toward heaven still, and there’s a barrel that I didn’t fill, Beside it, and there may be two or three’ this speeds up the rhythm but seems almost as if the narrative point of view is in some sort of dream or trance like state because he can’t make clear decisions ‘there may be two or three’ and his attention seems to be somewhere else, because it gives the impression that he’s quick to carry on with the poem, when changing the subject frequently. ‘There’s a barrel that I didn’t fill’ symbolises unfinished work.
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When Frost writes ‘Apples I didn’t pick upon some bough’ implies that someone else has been to this place and picked apples but left them there and ‘But I’ am done with apple picking now’ may state that the narrator is feeling tiresome, feeling like giving up and this adds to the idea that its quite a dreamy poem. In addition to the dreamy tone the narrator gives ‘Essence of winter sleep is on the night, The scent of apples: I’ am drowsing off’ meaning, its a cold wintry night, darkness is falling because its night and their ...

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