Poetry Analysis of 'Night of the Scorpion' by Nissim Ezekiel, and 'Sacrifice' by TaufiqRafat.

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Martin Rothwell         Student ID 20040439

Poetry Analysis

Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel

Sacrifice by Taufiq Rafat

        Night of the Scorpion” by Nissim Ezekiel is a poem about a child witnessing an event in his life.  This was quite horrific, as vivid details of his mother being stung by a scorpion are portrayed in the poem.

        On the other hand “Sacrifice” by Taufiq Rafat (1927-1998) portrays a sacrificial ceremony, in celebration of laying the foundation of a new dwelling.  The purpose of this sacrifice is to give the dwelling good luck.  “Sacrifice” is by an English-language Pakistani poet who is credited with introducing a characteristically Urdu movement into original English writing by Pakistanis.

        The two poems are both similar in that they contain a lot of religious beliefs, but each is portraying a different religious background.  They both use a circle as the symbolic gesture to their religions.  In both poems a circle was created around the victims to make sure of no escape.  

Within the poem “Night of the Scorpion”, all families in the community are concerned about each other, as everybody goes to Ezekiel’s house and takes part in the rituals as if all this is part of normal family life.  He learns about scorpion stings, and rites involved with them in the community.  

Scorpion stings maybe expected where they live, because they all seemed to know what to do.  They live in a very close-knit community, which believe in God and the devil, so they are religious.  Their religion is different from Christianity.  Placing emphasis on medicine, they prefer religion.  This is due to the fact that there were no doctors available.  Many different beliefs are associated with the scorpion such as the devil, darkness, evil.  

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        “Sacrifice” was a poem emphasising the cultural belief of bringing good luck to a building.  This was done by a sacrifice, of a goat with what seems to be a white-bearded elder, ceremonially breaking the virgin ground.  The goat had to be killed in a certain way in which all the blood in the animal was totally drained.  The blood is deemed as the life force of the animal or soul.  By sacrificing the animal’s life force to the ground, this in turn would give protection to the ground the dwelling stood on.  

        Both the poets witness ...

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