Riot and disorder in Verona

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5/7 Monday

Riot and disorder in Verona

Yesterday, the quite and peaceful main street of the town of Verona turned into a place of violence riots. It all began on the fresh Sunday morning when two male servants of the Capulet household, armed with swords and buckler tried to start trouble with the house of Montague. The event began as just a small argument between the servants of the two families but soon the officers and even the Prince himself was called in to put a stop to the growing disturbance.
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This is what the Prince has to say about yesterday's riot:

" For many years the Montaque and Capulet have hatred for each other and for many time events like yesterday's riot have occurred between the two families. These mutinies must end in order to keep Verona peaceful. Old Capulet and Montague have three times disturbed the quiet of our streets and interrupted Verona's ancient citizens lives. I warned the members of the two families that if they disturb our streets once more, they would pay for their actions. But for this last time, I will not ...

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