Romeo and Juliet is a play about conflict. By exploring Act 3 scene 5 explain how this theme is presented.

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Romeo and Juliet is a play about conflict. By exploring Act 3 scene 5 explain how this theme is presented.

Romeo and Juliet is a play motivated by conflict and conflict means a struggle between two or more things. Although the conflict between the two houses “Montague” and “Capulet” act 3 scene 5 concentrates on the inner conflict of the houses especially between “Lord” Capulet and his daughter Juliet.

At this time of the play being Shown Men had power over women and this is shown by Juliet as she calls Capulet her “lord” before she calls him “father”. Capulet also expects constant obedience from Juliet and by him saying “I doubt it not” he has confidence of Juliet obeying him.

Lord Capulet demonstrates conflict by insulting Juliet as she refused to marry Paris as her parents are unaware she is already married to Romeo. Lord Capulet throws some insults at Juliet such as “green-sickness carrion” and “you baggage” which shows Capulet can be an abusive and angry natured character. He also manages to insult Juliet by mimicking her with such words as “I’ll not wed, I am too young to love” which shows Capulet mocking Juliet’s feelings.

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As soon as Juliet realises that Capulet refuses her wishes she turns to her mother which she is not as close to present day mothers and daughters and yet her mother lady Capulet “is she not down so late, or up so early” which shows they have a distant relationship as Juliet’s mother does not often see her. Lady Capulet insults Juliet not by name calling or abuse but by doing nothing at all in a way the great insult she does is by doing nothing at all which could be interpreted as not even being bothered to talk ...

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This student started well but faded towards the end. They really needed to look in more detail at the language used during the conflict in this scene. ***