Santiago's Spirit In "The Man And The Sea"

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Santiago’s Spirit In “The Man And The Sea”


摘要:  在《老人与海》这部英雄主义的小说中,桑提亚哥的形象给读者留下了非常深刻的印象。在这个情节简单的故事中,他的人格 、心理力量在起着重要作用。作品来源于生活,但高于生活。在对桑提亚哥老人的描绘中歌颂了人类的硬汉精神,同时也寄托了人们对美好未来的向往。

 关键词:意志力, 刚强,道德和情感,痛苦,挣扎


 Abstract:  In the heroic novel “The man and the sea”, the impact of the image of Santiago on the readers is powerful and impressive. His character and the power of psychology play important role in this simple plot novel. The literature works origin from the life, but it means more than life itself, during the description of Santiago, the author thought highly of the spirit of unyielding man. Meanwhile ,it also contain the longing of the perfect future.

Key words: willpower, strong, morality and emotion,  agony,   struggle


 —. Willpower

Willpower is the core of the human’s essence .The most prominent essence and personal character of Santiago is will power, which can founding the stronger and show the protagonist’s great and strong. It is important to make novel possess inspiration.

 First, the novel put the protagonist in the environment filled with strong trouble. Through this, get the aim of testing the strength of willpower .The novel shows the dangerous setting greatly: bad luck, loneliness, poverty, especially the malicious shark. All are the symbol of life plight. To our surprise, Santiago’s willpower remained stronger as a whelming power to fight against the difficulty, even if facing the death threaten. His willpower conquered the frightened psychology. He said to himself:  “You are killing me, fish, but you have a right to, never have I seen a more noble thing than you. Come on, and kill me. I do not care who kills who.” From these words, we know the existence of life is not the first. The existence of  great character  and the man’s dignity are the first. Santiago’s willpower warn him how to be a great man. He has the famous motto: “Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” This is the old man’s life percept. It is pregnant with meaning: “ Man will eventually fail in the struggle with the outside ,but man should show special stamina. and face the failure bravely without losing dignity .”This is the palm for the human’s spirit.

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  Secondly, when Heminway was created the character of unyielding man , he didn’t choose the young man with strong physical power. On the contrary, he just chose an old and ailing man. In practice, this choice limited the physical power of the struggler. This kind of surprising choice of age. The author had his own deep purpose. The old man should have withdrew from the life struggle. But in this novel, the author entrusted such great challenge to him and strong willpower. Thus unwillingly he won the more and more readers’ sympathy and respect. The choice made the works ...

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