Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. -Francis Bacon

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Ashik Kabir

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.                -Francis Bacon

The first novel that I finished reading was Jurassic Park, by Michael Chriton.  That was the first book that captivated my imagination and brought me into the world of reading.  I noticed that the book was far better than the movie.  My imagination could take me any where and my mind painted extraordinary pictures of hundreds of beautiful dinosaurs walking along side fully developed characters with whom I could relate to.  I felt their fear, joy, and even sadness.  All I can say is that I was addicted, and I kept on reading.

        Since than, I have read hundreds of books.  I treat the books I read with a lot of caution.  Like everyone else, I feel that my time is very precious.  If I invest my time into reading, than the reading must yield some sort of profit.  As Samuel Patterson once put it, “Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.”  My best friends are friends from whom I might be able to gain some wisdom.  The literature I choose to read must contain some wisdom that I can gain.

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        The first book I read where I felt that I had truly gained some wisdom was, Plato’s Republic.  I spent months reading the book.  I slowly digest every single word that Socrates had spoken.  Even though the book was nearly 3,000 years old, every single idea was totally new to me.  I learned about justice, freedom, war, the good, the bad, politics, hate, love, god, and so much more.  I was able to incorporate many of those ideas in the world we live in today.  For a short time, I studied the Socratic Method, and tried to incorporate his style ...

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