English Essay

The color purple

Extract – 142 – 143

In this extract, Nettie is the first person narrator. She is writing to Celie from the Olinka encampment.  She describes a lot of the Olinka’s beliefs and attitudes, as well as telling Celie about her relations with Corrine, and the children. She also describes the setting, she tells Celie about the hut, and the camp.

One major idea presented in the novel is the idea of sisterhood. In this extract, sisterhood is illustrated between Nettie and Corrine; however, the extract does not emphasize the common view of women’s attitudes at the time, and how they should stick together, but rather demonstrates the breakdown of this sisterly relationship, because of jealousy, one emotion that destroys bonds between women throughout the novel. Corrine is clearly bothered by Nettie, and the way she spends time with Samuel, and how the Olinka people see Nettie as Samuels’s wife as well as Corrine, following their beliefs of polygamy. Another thing bothering Corrine is how the children look so much like Nettie, the Olinka think they are Netties.

So jealousy breaks down the relationship, and this is illustrated by dialogue. Corrine confronts Nettie, and tells her they should call each other sisters, they should not borrow each others clothes, and the children can’t call her ‘Mama Nettie’. Nettie tells us she is bothered by this, but does not say anything to argue with Corrine, only ‘you feeling yourself?’ This part of the extract shows that the usual sisterhood attitude of the women can at times be broken down by jealousy.

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Another huge idea that is consistent throughout the novel is the suggestion that men are superior, and dominate over females. In this piece, Nettie tells us of the chief, and how he has many wives, they all work really hard for him, and still think it an honour to be married to him. This is part of the Olinka’s beliefs, and Nettie clearly disagrees with this thought, when she responds to Olivia’s query as to why the women want to be the chiefs wife, she says  ‘that is as high as they can think’. However, although Nettie disagrees with ...

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*** 3 stars This essay shows an understanding and knowledge of the themes in 'The Color Purple'. There are some well selected quotes but more are needed particularly towards the end of the essay. More language analysis is needed and the essay needs to be more logically structured, including a conclusion.