The Lady Of Shalott Feminist Reading

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It Can Be Argued That “The Lady of Shalott Challenges The Role Of Women Within A Victorian Society.” Discuss.

Tennyson’s The Lady of Shalott portrays the role for women during the Victorian era and the desire for the main character of the poem to relinquish her female restraints and enter a male dominated society. The Lady of Shalott is set during a period when society was restrained by the Victorian chain-of-being which deemed women to unequal to the supreme male dominance for example they had limited access to education and married women of higher classes were forbidden to work. It can be argued that Tennyson uses his main character to represent the increased activity of women activists who were petitioning for equality between the genders and most importantly the right to vote and were ultimately punished for doing so. The character’s rejection of the Victorian values of femininity leads to her ruin as she refuses to accept the boundaries her gender enforces upon her. As a result, the male dominated society destroys her because there is no place for an assertive female.

Tennyson presents the Lady of Shalott as an outsider who is to remain on the verge of a patriarchal society, isolated on her own “silent isle” through use of setting. With the use of dismal imagery, Tennyson constructs the setting to resemble a prison with “four grey walls, and four grey towers” entrapping her and physically separating the character from the rest of the world. The colour is repeated to enforce emphasis upon the monotonous and dreary existence of the Lady of Shalott, which contrasts dramatically with the rest of picturesque Camelot as the “sun came dazzling thro’ the leaves” and the darkness is described as a beautiful “purple night”. Although the character’s entrapment appears bleak, the man-made buildings can be viewed as a form of protection, shielding the Lady of Shalott from danger as women were thought to be the weaker sex during the Victorian era and therefore incapable of protecting themselves. Consequently, her lack of liberty and free will is stressed which illustrates the oppressive social and political hardships women suffered during the 19th Century.

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During The Lady of Shalott, the main character remains passive exaggerating what was considered be feminine traits as she is only permitted to carry out activities within the home such as weaving. There is, therefore, great contrast between the Lady of Shalott and the animated natural movement where “little breezes dusk and shiver” and “the river eddy whirls”. It can be argued that Tennyson uses this to highlight the repression forced upon women by the dominating and controlling male gender. Halfway through the poem, the Lady of Shalott changes as she grows tiresome of her life shown through use ...

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There is the outline of a plausible feminist critique of the poem here, but the writer has not convincingly used textual detail to support this reading, and tends to make grand claims on the basis of insufficient evidence. The essay also seems to suggest that Tennyson fully intended his poem to be an examination of male dominance and female oppression. The notion of authorial 'intent' is a problematic one. No-one can know what an author intends, unless a written statement of intent survives, and the nature of poetry is that it is often open to different interpretations. A more tentative approach is recommended, which explores a feminist critique while recognising possible alternatives. ***