The of Power and Desire in Tess of the D'Urbervilles

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Examine the theme if Power and the desire in particular reference to the relationship of Tess and Alec.

In Tess of The D’Urbervilles Hardy uses the theme of power to explore the different relationships  within his society especially that of men and women . He illustrates how in a predominantly male dominated society , men hold economic and social power over women in different forms whether consciously or not. Hardy also considers how desire can play an important part in influencing power, considering a that a person’s desire , such as Alec’s , can drive them to exert or even force their power on others .

The relationship of Alec and Tess best exemplifies the themes of power and desire. From the beginning of their meeting Hardy hint’s at Alec’s desire for Tess and how he uses his well off position to establish his power over her. Alec is described as having a ‘’swarthy complexion’’ , to a Victorian reader his darker skin not only underlined a barbaric nature but also a demanding sexual appetite. Tess’s ‘’ luxuriance of aspect’’ and ‘’ fullness of growth’’ cause Alec’s eyes to ‘’rivet themselves on her’’’, Hardy choice of words distinctly signal that Alec’s attraction is of a physical and sensual kind.   Additionally the image of him feeding her a strawberry has sexual undertones, he insists doing so even when at first Tess refuses, immediately he establishes his power over her. He uses his wealth and by showering Tess with fruits he puts her in a compromising position where she feels obliged to accept the strawberry.  Tess in her naivety and politeness allows herself to be placed under his influence. Thus Alec’s unstoppable desire for Tess  leads him to assert his position as the dominating male in their relationship.

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Alec employ’s different methods to attract Tess from offering her gifts to frightening her. During their ride to Tantridge Alec’s desire to kiss Tess provokes him to recklessly unleash the horse to Tess’s dismay. Alec is determined to have her or have his way with her on his own terms, "Let me put one little kiss on those holmberry lips, Tess, or even on that warmed cheek, and I'll stop’’ . He effectively tries cornering her and succeeds. Yet despite him having complete control over the situation , he doesn’t have power over Tess, that is he cannot directly affect ...

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