The problem with war is that it tends to brutalise everyone involved, even those who are fighting for the best of motives

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Personal Writing : Fiction JAMES MARSHALL 21/11/00

"The problem with war is that it tends to brutalise everyone involved, even those who are fighting for the best of motives."

"I hear one coming sir!"

"Get down boys." I shouted above the din of the whizz-bangs. It was like a shower of mud and water as they exploded nearby in no-mans land. Then I saw one tracking across the sky like clay pigeon out of a trap. It was going was going to come down right on Old-Johnny's head, and sure enough, it did. It was an awful mess. I could see the sky light up around me as the shells crashed down to earth, only getting a moment of darkness in between explosions.

I tried to settle down for the night on a ledge above the clay of the Somme, but for some reason I couldn't. I decided to write a letter to my sweetheart, to pass the time. I needed no light of my own, as the frequent explosions provided enough. "Dear Mable," I started, "We lost 60,000 today, and the Hun are getting closer. Old Johnny went down this time. Our platoon is shrinking more and more each day. There are more new face than old now. How's young Tommy. Tell him I'll be back in blighty by Christmas. Hope you are well, love Wilfred." I am going to give it to a runner as soon as possible, but I doubt it will reach blighty.
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When I woke up, it was raining bullets again. I could see Gibson through my sleep-encrusted eyes. I shouted to him, "Gibson, what's for breakfast?"

"I dunno, but you better eat it lying on your back, because the shells are screeching overhead." And then, he just went into deep thought.

I walked along the trench for a bit to stretch my legs. I was hoping for a bit of fresh air, but the chance would be a fine thing in this war. The air smelled of death, rotting corpses, and all mixed together with a mud ...

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