The real price of war is paid by individuals - From your reading of the poems 'Attack', 'Anthem for Doomed Youth' and the viewing of the film 'Saving Private Ryan' discuss the above statement.

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Jamie Pender

“The real price of war is paid by individuals”

 From your reading of the poems ‘Attack’, ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ and the viewing of the film ‘Saving Private Ryan’ discuss the above statement.

In your response you should quote examples from the poems and instances from the film.

“With bombs and guns and shovels and battle-gear,

 Men jostle and climb to meet the bristling fire.”

The above quote is taken from the poem ‘Attack’. This poem was based on the conditions and the harsh realities of World War 1, and the most well known feature of life in WWI were the soldiers in the trenches, trying to gain ground. This quote gives the impressions of the soldiers with all their weapons and armour in a hurry to get out of the trenches. The bristling fire would probably have been caused by grenades being lobbed over from the enemies trench, and the soldiers would have been in a rush to escape the trench before fire came down it. The quote really does express the harsh reality of war and the dehumanizing things people had to go through to protect their country and the freedom of it. The quote emphasizes the point ‘the real price of war is paid by individuals’ because it purely describes what men had to go through during the war, there’s no mention of tanks or machinery.

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“Lines of grey, muttering faces, masked with fear,

 They leave their trenches, going over the top,

 While time ticks blank and busy on their wrists,

 And hope, with furtive eyes and grappling fists,

 Flounders in mud. O Jesu, make it stop!”

The above quote follows directly on from the previous one and is the ending to the poem ‘Attack’. The previous quote described what men had to do during the war, whereas this quote focuses on how they feel about it and what the author thinks is the inevitability for the majority of the soldiers, death. The quote ...

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