The Romantic Turn in Poetry; Mimeticism vs. Expressivity in William Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

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The Romantic turn in poetry; Mimeticism vs. Expressivity

William Wordsworth’s „I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud“

The different forms of literature can be categorized according to a model by M. H. Abrams.



artist                                                                            audience

The dominant relation between these terms at various times defined what was considered literature. If literature was defined by the relation work-universe, it was called Mimeticism; if it was work-artist, is was called Expressivity; if it was work-audience, it was called Pragmatism. There is also a fourth category concentrating only on the text itself, called Objectivity. Of these four forms of literature mentioned, we are going to focus mainly on the first two.


The oldest conception of literature and the most enduring one is Mimeticism. Mimeticism can be defined as the imitation of already existing things in nature and literature. Therefore epics and drama were considered the highest forms of literature.

It was first defined by Plato, who used it derogatively to describe all kinds of art and literature as mimetic and therefore not useful for finding truth. It was Aristotle who made Mimeticism one of the most important features of poetry. Thus poetry became equal with history and philosophy. In the Renaissance poets mainly focused on Ancient Greek epics and again put focus on Mimeticism.

In the middle of the 18th century there was a change in literature. Mimeticism was slowly being replaced by Expressivity.


The characteristic feature of expressivity is that it is evocative rather than descriptive. Literature became a manifestation of the inner world of the poet; his thoughts, emotions and views. (e.g.: line 1, 15, 17…) Imitation of reality is put into the background and only used in order to express the poet’s intentions and feelings. (e.g.: line 7,8…) The ideal poem is original and spontaneously created. William Wordsworth wrote in the preface to the second edition of his Lyrical Ballads (1800): “For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.”

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Unlike in Mimeticism, there were no rules as to how literature should be written in Expressivity. Therefore diaries, autobiographies, subjective essays and, most important of all, lyric were considered literature. Expressivity influenced the general attitude towards poets and poetry well into the 20th century.


It assumes that literature has a significant effect on individuals and society. The main forms of literature were encyclopaedias, satire and educational essays.


Literary works exist independently and have no specific function.

Romanticism in Literature

The Romantic Movement in literature was part of a wider humanistic movement. The Romantics ...

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