Thematic and Information Structures

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Thematic and Information Structures

In this paper, I pretend to show how the information is presented in two different languages, English and Spanish. I have used three texts in order to get more features for comparison.

.How Life Begins

Se ha determinado en varios animales el tiempo que necesita el espermatozoide para alcanzar el óvulo y fecundarlo. EN el ser humano se calcula en unaa dos o tres horas. Más o menos una de cada diez, la mujer deposita dos óvulos, productores potenciales de mellizos no idénticos si ambos son fecuandados. Hay constancia de dos casos extraordinarios en que tales mellizos no eran del mismo padre, lo cual se comprobó fácilmente porque los padres eran de origen étnico diferente. En otras ocasiones un óvulo fecuandado, como resultado de alguna circunstancia desconocida dentro de la célula, da origen a dos embriones en lugar de uno, caso en que se desarrollarán dos gemelos idénticos.

The time required for the sperm to reach the egg and bring about fertilization has been determined in various animals. In the human it is estimated at some two or three hours. About one time in ten, a woman will deposit two egs, potential producers of nonindetical twins if both are ferlilized. There are records os two extraordinary cases were such twins did not have the same father-readily checked since the fathers were of different racial origin. At other times one fertilized egg, as the result of some unknown condition within the cell, will develop two embryos instead of one-in which case there will be identical twins.
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The first thing that has to be commented upon is the different implications of the beginning sentence in both versions.

The structure found in Spanish (PS) is the inversal one in English (SP). That involves that the theme is distinct in each case. We can say that the Spanish sentence corresponds with the translation of an English pattern of extraposition. When we find cases of extraposition a clausal subject or object is moved to end position and its place is occupied by a pronoun. Obviously, the subject is not obligatory in Spanish, instead we find the marker ...

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