There is a strong resemblance, both visually and literally, between the two poems 'Cut Grass' and 'The Trees'.

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Tamer Ben-nagi, Year 11, CW 2002

There is a strong resemblance, both visually and literally, between the two poems ‘Cut Grass’ and ‘The Trees’. The most palpable resemblance is that they are both written by the same poet: Philip Larkin. Both the poems portray life towards death. Visually, they both contain three verses, consisting of four lines each. Though they are not exactly the same in every aspect, there are some differentiating characteristics between the two poems.

         ‘The Trees’, is a small three stanza composition, rhyming ‘ABBACDDC’. The opening line of ‘The Trees’ conveys to us that they have started their yearly cycle of germinating. ‘The trees are coming into leaf’. The last line of the first verse is purposefully early. Philip Larkin uses the word ‘grief’. He intended to use this word to intensify the theme. The noun grief means extreme sadness. ‘ Their greenness is a kind of grief’. In this line, Larkin assigns the tree with the emotion ‘grief’. There is a modification of the popular saying ‘green with envy’, which Larkin uses as ‘greenness is a kind of grief’. Their greenness is a sign that they are reaching the end of their lives, he is in some ways telling us that ‘the writing is on the wall’. Therefore, he chooses to use the word ‘ grief’ to show that it is not a blissful future, but short and sad. This shows us what Philip Larkin thought of death. He put this stanza early in the poem to show how brief the cycle is, of birth until death. In the next line of the poem, he seems to be puzzled by their endless rebirth. ‘Is it that they are born again’. Larkin attempts a comprehension of how trees perpetually rejuvenate. However, he is soon to unmask the truth of the matter, ‘their yearly trick of looking new, is written down in rings of grain.’ Larkin now understands that they are not reborn every time, it is more like an illusion; their true age is all recorded on the bark of the tree. It can be associated with an aging woman. The woman applies make-up to look young but her wrinkles show her true age. The make-up is like the new leaves, and the wrinkles are representative of the ‘rings of grain’; though the trees are not trying to look young. In the third stanza of the third verse, the cycle is starting all over again and the leaves are beginning to grow, yet again. ‘Last year is dead they seem to say’

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        ‘Cut Grass’ is a poem with a similar theme, but a wholly different mood. Larkin has used an ‘ABABCDCDEFEF’ rhyme scheme. The first line of the poem sets the theme and explains the situation of the grass. ‘Cut grass lies frail’. In using the word ‘frail’, Larkin’s use of personification emphasis the state of the feeble grass. The words he uses create a perfect picture in the readers mind. The next line, ‘ Brief is the breath’, is comparable to the second line of ‘The Trees’, ‘Like something almost being said’, an evocative simile, which personifies the trees. Both these ...

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