toll bridge In What Way Are Recognition and Conscious a key theme in the Toll Bridge?

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In What Way Are Recognition and Conscious a key theme in the Toll Bridge?

There are many moments in life where you discover something that you knew, but know consciously for the first time, or perhaps, the feeling is so minor that we are not aware of it’s present.

There are also things that we learn about ourselves for the first time, usually only when we are going through difficult and odd parts in our life, we realise how important someone, or something means to us.

Jan has had enough of doing things that are expected, being told what is right to do and trying to be what the others wanted him to be. Jan has got to a state where life seems dull and hopefulness to him. He wants to find out more about himself. The story itself begins with recognition and consciousness. Jan, after having to have so much pressure put on him, recognize how dull life could go on if nothing were done to change it. Finding out about him is what he wants, in order to make life better.

When Jan had a fever, Tess and Adam spend the night together at the Toll Bridge. Jan was extremely jealous, however, ‘instead of anger or jealousy or resentment or envy or hard-on lust ‘ Jan felt calm. He would not had known that deep feeling about himself now and then, if he had not seen that odd moment, which I find quite repulsive. Being amazed is also one way of recognising ourselves, the way we react and observe. Jan has found out something new about himself by this sudden shock, consciously for the first time.

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Friendship always begins with ‘the bad times and not with the good ones’. I totally agree with this statement. It is when we feel miserable that we realize how much we need our friends and their support. Similarly, only when we lose something, we recognise how much it means to us. Tess and Jan begin their friendship in a hard time when Jan was under the pressure of his parents, relatives and friends. Often when we are in difficult situation, the ones who give comfort are our true friends.

In the chapter ‘ Coming To’, after Adam is ...

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