"Too weird, too ugly, too depressing"To what extent do you agree with this criticism of Carter's writing

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"Too weird, too ugly, too depressing"To what extent do you agree with this criticism of Carter's writing.

Angela Carter's three short stories are a re-creation of old fairy tales which are melded into feminist tales of love, loss, lust, and sexuality. Her stories find their genesis in the childlike versions of Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, and others, Ms. Carter transforms these fantastical stories into adult renditions where pretty girls lie down with wolves, and a Count "thrust his virile member into the dead girl". In each of these stories, Ms. Carter creates an unexpected, erotic feel which is intertwined with mystery and an adult edginess that goes far beyond the original versions of these fairy tales. I think that the fact that Angela Carter mixes the idea of faity stories with sex and black humor is weird and ugly. She also is very adept at giving the reader just the right amount of clues, never being too obvious, and respecting her reader's intelligence in unraveling the webs she weaves with these stories. She constalty unsettles us and creates an atmospehere of confusion and oddness. Her writing in many ocasions is disturbing. Angela Carter is a master of symbolism: the kiss in The Company of Wolves as the conquest of men and the clothing in The Snow Child as a representation of power.
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Fairy tales are storeis told to children Girls learn through these stories that their value lies in their looks and that the way people look naturally determines the way they behave. They are also conditioned through these tales to become passive and unadventurous - to wait for their charming prince to arrive and save them out of the limbo and insignificance of their lives. The only women who have any sort of power in these fairy tales are both evil and good fairies

I will start talking about "The Snow Child" and conclude by saying if I ...

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