Trench Warfare in WWI.

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Trench Warfare in WWI

For Soldiers in World War one life was terrible, especially if they lived in the Trenches. They suffered emotional and physical distress to win the war.

In the trenches soldiers walked on mud, 'sumps' (earth dug from the ground to make a drain) were made to collect any excess water and the 'duckboards' (planks of wood) were placed on top of the sumps for soldiers to walk on, unfortunately this didn't always work and soldiers were forced to wade in mud. In the Somme weather was changeable but it tended to be rainy rather than sunny. When it did rain it flooded the trenches and made the mud worse. If it did rain a lot then trench walls could be worn down or could collapse, even though they had a timber structure it sometimes wasn't enough to support the walls. If the height of walls was worn down then unfortunate tall soldiers became a moving target for German guns! The Soldiers living areas were small, dirty and damp, there would be a bed for each soldier and maybe somewhere to prepare what little food they had. Soldiers would live three soldiers per 'hut'. The living area was a sort of cave built into the trench it was strengthened with timber like the walls. Men would have to live and fight around rotting bodies of fellow soldiers, maybe even friends or family. The stench from the bodies would have been terrible especially when there was all sorts of other smells in the trenches.
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At the beginning of the war soldiers were given a good ration of food which included tea, meat, butter, jam, sugar and bread or biscuits. These foods contained all the vital nutrients to keep soldiers strong and healthy. However these foods became less and less as the war progressed and soldiers began to fall ill from lack of nutrition. The soldiers lived in very unhygienic conditions, their toilet was a trench a little further back from the front line and they would go without washing for months.

Soldiers in the First World War wouldn't only have ...

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