Emily Blackwell

English Miss Farrell


It seemed as though it would never stop, the hunger, the crying and the bombing. Not many houses were left standing. It looked like a junk yard, Thanet that is. London was the worst, that’s what I hear, I’m not sure about that because I live in Kent just outside London, in  64 Cross Lane, in what’s left of it, with what’s left of my family.

I don’t know when it started, there had been several car bomb attacks in London, well all over the country. At first I thought it would stop, that the terrorists were trying to scare us, not go to war with us. Then it came home, literally, my grandparents were killed, a bomb hit their house in the middle of the night while they were asleep. I know the exact date, time, it was like I was there , you see I was their only grandchild, my parents didn’t have time for me let alone for another kid so they didn’t have any more. I was close to my grandparents, I used to stay over nearly every weekend because my parents were so busy with work. Work, it seems so unimportant now, the more time my parents spent with me the better. All that changed though, mum and I were going to America. They said it was safe there, that they couldn’t reach us there. As after the September 11th attack the enemy weren’t the only one preparing for war.

My dad had to go because they were calling up all the fit men and women under the age of 40. My dad was 36, a P.E. teacher for disabled kids so he had to go, but why on my birthday? It was a bit ironic my birthday usually brought everyone together and now we were splitting up, my grandparents dead, dad going off to fight, he probably would not come back and mum and me being evacuated off some where. Mum not the fittest person the planet, she used to be a psychiatrist, not really useful in the army, so we were sent to Utah in America. I would have been excited as it being my first time on a plane, but sitting in my seat watching the escort planes coming in and out of view thinking, are they going off to stop some bomb hitting us? This was not my idea of exciting especially when then left us to land, it was like our safety net was being taken away.

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Now that we were in America, we were treated like orphans, being shipped from one place to another. The first month of being there was alright, that was until they bombed Washington. Yes, Washington. The whole of America was in panic their president dead not mentioning thousands of others that died along with him. All of a sudden their ‘bubble’ of security, their thoughts of being safe, burst with the bomb that hit. Everywhere, everyone was saying it was World War 3 and the world was ending, in truth they were right, the world we knew was ending.


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