Vasu's Influence upon Nataraj's Development (R.K. Narayan's The Man-Eater of Malgudi)

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Maegan Allen

Professor Jessica Graves

English 1013A

October 26, 2005

Vasu’s Influence upon Nataraj’s Development

R.K. Narayan’s The Man-Eater of Malgudi is told in a creatively comical style, conceiving impressive characters and circumstances. The novel deals with the adaptation of society as it encounters the imposition of change, which is best illustrated among the actions of the two main characters, Nataraj and Vasu. Throughout the narrative Nataraj becomes easily influenced by the actions of Vasu and yields to many changes and developments in his own character.

        Before Vasu’s tenancy in Malgudi, the town and its inhabitants maintained a conservative and welcoming environment. Nataraj was a simple printer with a close set of friends and frequent visitors. However, with the entrance of Vasu, the eccentric antagonist, things began to get complicated. Nataraj attempted to handle his first encounter with Vasu in a dominating fashion, yet the initial encounter foreshadowed the continuous conflict that would emerge between the two throughout the rest of the novel. “Before I could open my mouth, he asked, ‘You Nataraj?’ I nodded. He came forward, practically tearing aside the curtain, an act which violated the sacred traditions of my press” (15). Even though Nataraj was intimidated by the forwardness of Vasu he maintained his composure and directed Vasu by his appropriate means of conducting business, an aspect that Nataraj eventually succumbs to at the hand of Vasu.

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By their second encounter Nataraj already succumbed to the influence of Vasu. “I found it a nuisance to have Vasu and his minions pass up and down by the press I opened a side gate in the compound, which admitted his jeep into a little yard from Kabir Lane and gave him direct access to the wooden stairs” (25). Perhaps it is Nataraj’s interest in the newcomer that altered his actions so quickly. Even though Nataraj was discontent with the actions of Vasu he accommodated his needs.

The next notable change in Nataraj’s character was his lack of concern ...

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