Walking Wounded - review.

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Walking Wounded

Walking wounded is a poem, in which the Poet has attempted to evoke the pieces of war in the minds of the reader. The central idea in the poem is to depict the hardship of people who have to deal with life, unlike that of a hero. In other words, a common man has to deal with problems of life and has to return back to the battlefield, which is compared to life.

Walking wounded is a poem, where there is an extensive use of literary features. A prime example would be the use of onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is the creation of words, which sounds similar to the noises of the words referred to. Onomatopoeia is used extensively in the poem; in order invoke the feeling of pain, suffering and destruction, all of which are images of war, which is clearly evident through most of the poem. Take in to consideration the word "groaned". The word is used to emphasize the pain, the misery of the war that had been raging on. Another word used which is onomatopoeic, is "churning", which in this context has been used to depict the speed as to which the ambulance is moving in order to save lives of the men who were on the battlefield during the battlefield.

Another literary feature found in this poem, is that of alliteratory. In the poem, alliteration has been used to slow down the pace of the poem, to emphasize the pain, the suffering of the people on the battlefield, who risk their lives. However another way to pass that would be to emphasize the miseries, the obstacles of life, which have to be overcome by a common man. Take for example the line "mammoth", "morning", "moved". These words when put together can signify the importance of the morning of the day, in a common man's life or the man on the battlefield. "Mammoth" can signify large, humongous, and significant. "Moved" signifies that it has passed. Take for example if Mammoth is large. In this context, it would mean that it was a large day for a common man because of the number of obstacles he has to overcome or it is a large day for a soldier, who has a lot to do. Thus this literary feature has been used in the poem, to emphasize the pain, suffering and obstacles that a common man has to overcome.
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The poem comprises of a lot of figures of speech. In line 4, a metaphor has been used. the "birds" that "died" or "flown", Their green and silent attics sprouting now with "branches of leafed steel, hiding round eyes" and "ripe grenades" ready to "drop and burst". All these words, when put together or if analyzed the way it is, will infer that the "birds" being referred to are the War planes. The "branches of leafed steel", refer to the wings of the plane. "Hiding round eyes" and "ripe grenades", refer to missiles and fresh grenades, which are ...

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