What factors need to be considered before describing someone as bilingual?

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August 29, 2002                                                         Andi Moll, Form 11

What factors need to be considered before describing someone as bilingual?

Many of the inhabitants of the western civilisation can already speak two languages or more. The continents of the world have grown together and it has become increasingly important to speak more than just the own mother tongue. Due to industrialisation and advancement of technologies people are now a lot more mobile and people from different cultures mix with each other and have have therefore moved much closer together. Subsequently, the need to communicate in different languages has gradually appreciated in recent times as this is the basis for the creation of a better understanding. One is almost temped to say that the mutual understanding of people from different countries is directly dependend on the level of skill they can employ in their communication. Thus, speaking a foreign language with the same comfort level like your first language goes a long way towards a better comprehenshion of other people.

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Nontheless to evaluate who can be called bilingual or not is not a simple task. We will be looking at diverse aspects of the progress of someone becoming bilingual, as well as the cultural implications associated with biligualism.

First, what does it mean to say somebody is bilingual? Different people use the term in different ways. For some, bilingualism means an equal ability to communicate in two languages. For others, this means the ability to communicate in two languages, however with the ability of greater skills in one language.


How do people become bilingual? People may become bilingual ...

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** 2 STARS Essay is unfinished. Some lapses in expression and at times the arguments are too vague and are not backed up by references to case studies and previous research. The writer does include case studies but again needs to explore and analyse chosen pieces of research in more detail.