What in our society leads to stereotypes and prejudgements?

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Our society today is extremely judgemental. If you do not act, speak, look or dress a certain way your are immidiatly labeled. Amy Tan found this out while growing up. Her Mother was treated as a second class citizen because she could not speak proper English. People perceived her as inadequate. Similarly, in Ways Of Seeing, Berger discusses how gender roles and perceptions effect every one in our society. Both these stories demonstrate how judgemental our society can be and also, how perception is so important to status.

        In “ Mother Tongue” Tan discusses how different languages and dialects that people use reflect upon them. For instance, she tells us her mother speaks a very broken English. Because of this broken English, many people treat her with disrespect and they believe she is slow or dull witted. However, what people don’t know is that she reads many difficult authors, talks to her stockbroker daily, and listens to Wall Street Week.

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        Although Ms. Tan’s mother is obviously quite a capable lady, she is perceived as being inadequate or stupid because she uses a broken form of English instead of proper grammar. People thought that “ because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect.” ( 604)

After reading Mother Tongue I found myself analyzing my own experiences with language forms. My grandparents, native Italians, have been living in Canada for over 40 years. They live in a city with a massive concentration of Italians. The local stores, restaurants, and offices are Italian. Because of this fact, my Grandparents never mastered the ...

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