Why was the World War One not over by Christmas 1914?

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Why was the World War One not over by Christmas 1914      James Miller

In this essay I will write about why the First World War was not over by Chrismas 1914.  I will talk about the Schlieffen Plan, how there was a stalemate, also about the trenches in the First World War.

The reason why the First World War started was that Austria-Hungary’s heir to the throne who was called Archduke Franz Ferdinand was going into Bosnia because Austria-Hungary had just recently concurred it. The Archduke was  

driving down a narrow road and this road got smaller and smaller and soon the driver had to stop because if he did not the car would scrape on the sides of the wall and when the driver did stop a Serbian shot him and his wife This was on  the 28th of June 1914. A few days later Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and the capital Belgrade was shelled.  Russia was the ally of Serbia and they began to prepare for war so the clock was ticking for the Germans and they had to put the Schlieffen Plan in to practice.

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The Schlieffen Plan was Germany’s only plan for war. The idea was very simple and the Germans thought that it would work. The plan was that the Germans would declare war on Russia and the Russians would take six weeks to get their army ready. So the Germans thought that they had six weeks to go through Belgium to avoid the heavy French forces on the border of France and Germany.  Then they would go through France and surround Paris and the Germans thought that without Paris the French would surrender and then the rest of the Germans would ...

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The author has an excellent understanding of the first movements of the war and why trench warfare developed and how it favoured the defending army. However, knowledge is not always linked to the question and the conclusion needs more development. 3 out of 5 stars.