Write about the ways Khaled Hosseini tell the story in chapter 10 in 'The Kite Runner'

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Exam practice question

Write about the ways Hosseini tells the story in chapter 10

Khaled Hosseini presents to us a chapter of contrasts in chapter 10 through the traits of Amir and Baba, the physicality of people and contrasts between visual places. In which they all convey a significant meaning to this specific chapter. It's an momentous moment in the novel that displays the struggle of change and how this effects the characters in their prime.

Unlike other chapters in the novel, Hosseini displays this chapter in a third person narrative. We are being told about the events around Amir as everything just happens in which he has no in put to. Amir is demonstrated as a passive character watching all the events passing by, he fears the change and fears his father is ashamed of him.

“I knew he saw my car sickness as yet another of my array of weakness- I saw it on his embarrassed face” Accepting that it is yet another display of his weakness portrays he has no willpower or belief he is anything but weak. This is rather significant in chapter 10 as it shows how Amir can't contribute to anything because he has strung himself to vulnerable characteristics that he can't seem to see through his own attitudes. Also, this can be  interpreted as the powerlessness that these characters possess about where they are moved to, they are being forced out of Afghanistan by the soviet army who had arrived in Afghanistan in 1979. Third person usually generates a sense of god-like feature however, by the events and the lack of in-put by characters portrays the inability to stop anything from happening creating a dramatic tension.

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During the escape to Pakistan, Amir is suddenly struck with car sickness revealing his weakness. This is immediately contrasted with Baba's strength and bravery preventing the Russian soldier from raping the woman in the truck. This also instantly referred back to the scene when Amir did not prevent the rape of Hassan in chapter 7. Baba is portrayed like a man of steel when he stands up to the Russian soldier “Tell him I'll take a thousand of his bullets before I let this indecency take place” juxtaposing Amir's actions at the rape of Hassan. Amir becomes overwhelmed ...

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