Is Global Warming Real?

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Communications        Lesleyanne Smith        Assessment 2.

Is Global Warming Real?

‘The average temperatures have increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit, around the world since 1880, most of this has happened in recent decades’, according to NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

This statement is referring to global warming, but is global warming part of earth’s natural cycle and nothing to be concerned about or the damage being caused to the earth’s atmosphere by human beings and something very serious? There are many arguments for and against global warming, many believe it to be real and we cannot stop it now and some believe it is a natural part of the planets life cycle.  

The topic of global warming is one of the most researched and discussed in the world, what is causing the increase in temperature? Can it be stopped or slowed down? But to answer any of these questions, we must ask the most important question: Is Global Warming Real?

To answer this question we must first understand what the term ‘global warming’ means: according to the Oxford Dictionary it states: ‘global warming the gradual increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere due to increased levels of carbon dioxide etc.’ Then if we look at another source it states global warming ‘is an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere…’ from  From these meanings we can all agree that global warming is the increase in the earth’s average temperature, but it doesn’t state what the cause is, nature or man-kind disaster.

It was in 1880’s when weather records were first recorded, with this information scientists have been able to compare and track the changes in the weather and climate.  Some scientists have concluded that the earth’s temperature has always increased but over the last few decades it has increased at a more rapid rate.  This is caused by the greenhouse effect, in which the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap the heat and ultra violet rays from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, this in turn raises the temperature. It is also believed that there is not enough information from the past hundred and 21 years to make any predications regarding the weather, and many argue over the reliability of predicating the weather, as it seems the weather cannot be predicted a week ahead, let alone many years ahead.  

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There are many side effects of global warming; with a small increase of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit to the earth’s temperature it has caused the ice-caps to start to melting, this in turn will cause the sea levels rise, it is estimated that the sea levels could rise between 9 and 88cms.  When the sea levels do rise, it will encroach on the land that humans, animals and plants live on.  Without land we are not able to exist, we need plants and animals to survive.  Then this leads to the end of human life, animal life and plant life. ...

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