(a) Suggest why some places are more at risk of experiencing a major volcanic disaster? and (b) Explain why the Philippines and California multiple hazard spots are affected by disasters in different ways?

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Geography Essays

(a) Suggest why some places are more at risk of than others of experiencing a major volcanic disaster?

There are a number of reasons why some places are more at risk of experiencing a major volcanic disaster. One reason is their geographical position within the world and in relation to tectonic plate boundaries. For example you have highly destructive and explosive volcanoes often found along destructive plate boundaries because of increased pressure within the subduction zone. An example of this is the Philippines, which is situated above a destructive plate boundary and this leads to numerous and highly destructive volcanic eruptions. You also find volcanoes along constructive plate boundaries where the plates are moving apart and this is creating new lands and volcanoes as molten lava builds up, an example of this is the Mid-Atlantic ridge which Iceland sits near. Figure 7 also shows us that there is a high level of volcanic activity within the pacific ring of fire, this is because of the high amount of destructive and constructive plate boundaries within this area and this causes major volcanic disasters. Also there are volcanic eruptions from hot spots within plates where there is a large amount of heat flow in these areas. An example of this is Hawaii, which has a number of volcanoes.    

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Other reason why some places are more a risk than others is because of their prediction and evacuation systems. In poorer countries such as Indonesia they don’t have the equipment or expertise to predict earthquakes and they don’t have the media to broadcast potential volcanoes and this leaves these places more at risk than places such as Iceland which have better prediction, planning and preparation and this leaves them less chance of experiencing a major volcanic disasters.

Another reason why some places are more prone to major disasters is the density of population in the danger areas around volcanoes. An ...

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