Biology SC1 - An Investigation Into The Effect Of Pollution On The Distribution Of Organisms Along The River Roding System

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Biology SC1

An Investigation Into The Effect Of Pollution On The Distribution Of Organisms Along The River Roding System



Pond net


Pots and lids


Hand lens

Wellington boots

Specimen Pots

Freshwater Invertebrate Key

Scrap Paper (note pad)


Tape to cover cuts


                I investigated how the quality, amount of dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphates and the temperature of the water in the River Roding System affected the distribution of organisms in the river.

                I chose six suitable sites along the river Roding System: Furze Ground, Pyrles Brook, Debdon Brook Downstream, River Roding Upstream, River Roding Middle Stream, and River Roding Downstream. Each site was investigated in groups.

At each site we firstly sampled the biotics. We looked for the indicator species (the invertebrates that are affected by pollution). We obtained these samples by using the method of kick sampling.

A tray was filled with clear water from the river. One member of the group stood in the river holding a net with his feet facing in the direction of the flow as shown in the diagram above. That person then shuffled his feet for 30 seconds catching the disturbed material in the net. The material in the net was then placed in the tray of water. For the next 10 minutes the invertebrates were identified from the sample using a key. The numbers and types of invertebrates were recorded. This was repeated once more in a different part of the site.

Then we tested for the abiotic factors. We did this at the site and so had taken our equipment to the site. Firstly nitrates were tested for. A member of the group removed the nitrate stick from the container and dipped the end with the two pads in the river for 1 second. We waited 1 minute. The colour on the pad was compared with the colour chart to see the nitrate level. The nitrate level was recorded. Then a phosphate test was carried out. Firstly 5ml of the water from the river was placed in a container. There were two reagents. 5 drops of reagent 1 and 1 micro spoon of reagent 2 was added to the water. The lid was replaced and the container was shaken. We waited 2 minutes and took the lid off. The colour of the mixture was compared with the colour chart and the phosphate content was recorded. Then the oxygen test was carried out. The meter was set for air and the probe was placed in the air. His was set as 100%. The probe was then placed in the river and the reading went down or up comparing its oxygen content with the oxygen in the air. Finally the temperature of the water was measured. This was done using a thermometer.

At each sight we also noted down descriptions of the site e.g. the surrounding land use, the cleanliness of the water, the depth and width of the river. This was done so that the pollution of the river could be explained.



While doing the freshwater fieldwork there were a few safety hazards. There was a chance of infection occurring e.g. Weils Disease. Therefore I had to take precautions: 1) small cuts covered with tape, 2) gloves worn, 3) no eating or drinking in the field, 4) no fooling around in the water, 5) washing hands with soap and water on return.

There were also other hazards that I had to be careful about: 1) slippery and steep banks, 2) holing equipment safely, 3) fast flowing and deep water, 4) crossing roads.

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Site Descriptions

Furze Ground – The water here was flowing very slowly in a narrow (~50cm) shallow (~10cm) stream and so there was not much water. The site was surrounded by woodland and there were flies flying around the water.

Pyrles Brook – The River here was steep-sided and it was wider and deeper but still fairly shallow (~20cm) and narrow (~120cm). There was a lot of plant growth on the side of the river. There was quite a lot of ...

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