Can businesses afford to be concerned about the environment?

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Can businesses afford to be concerned about the environment?

Over recent years, many changes in social attitudes and green consumerism have highlighted the need for firms to be more aware on the impact of operations and disposal of waste within society and the problems that it causes. With the increasing pressures of U.K and European legislation being implemented by all 15 members of the union, namely "The Environmental Protection act 1991", firms can face large penalties for inappropriate behaviour, which may jeopardise the future of the company.

The decision to follow an "environmentally friendly approach" may depend on the type of business, its culture and beliefs and its current financial position. As most businesses are "profit maximises", there are benefits and adverse effect on such a decision.

Businesses can damage the environment in a number of ways. Global warming is occurring whereby CFC's and Carbon Dioxide are damaging the o-zone layer and pollutants in the atmosphere causing smog and acid rain. A firm may accept its social beliefs and responsibilities willingly, in genuine belief that they should operate in a morally acceptable manner or derive some positive publicity and promoting a positive corporate image.
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The International Standards Organisation regulates the levels of pollution by imposing extra costs where standards have not been met and even allow opportunity to benefit from being made an example. Social cost are those costs that affect society as a whole e.g. level of noise and dirt pollution

Businesses that do exploit the environment are in constant fear by the actions of pressure groups. These are organised groups of people who combine to protect the environment and welfare of society. Pressure groups can influence their views in a number of ways, which may disrupt the operations of ...

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